This recipe is really easy and you'll be amazed at what you can create with a little miso miso, olive oil & tofu! We use natural tofu, a few fresh ingredients, chickpea miso miso and lots of delicious olive oil from Honestoil. The miso miso, olive oil & lemon give the tofu an incredible freshness and a great, creamy consistency.
We have whipped tofu several times a week and we eat the protein-rich dip on a slice of sourdough bread, with baked vegetables, potatoes or in a bowl with salad and rice. Enjoy!

whipped tofu with miso miso
recipe for 2 people
- 1 natural tofu (200 g)
- 2-4 tablespoons of honest toil olive oil
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons chickpea miso miso
- 1 pinch of salt
- some pepper
- some zest of a lemon
- optional: plant-based milk to make your whipped tofu creamier
- optional: spices, herbs to refine
- Crush the tofu with your hands and put it in a blender.
- Now add all the other ingredients and mix for a few minutes. If the mixture is too solid, use a pestle or add a little plant-based milk and continue to mix until it reaches a creamy consistency. There should be no lumps left!
- Place the finished whipped tofu on a plate and top with olive oil and herbs.
- enjoy!
- quick oven-baked vegetables with miso miso marinade
- potatoes from the oven
- as a dip in your bowl with salad & rice
- just like that on good bread with olive oil